New report exposes 20 global companies profiting from China’s murderous organ transplant trade

A new report has for the first time named 20 global companies profiting from China’s illegal transplant trade, where innocent people are murdered in a state-sponsored campaign of forced organ harvesting.
The report, entitled the “Economics Of Organ Harvesting In China” finds:
- 20 western companies are “taking part” in China’s murderous organ transplant industry including Pfizer (US), OrganOx (UK) and Roche (Switzerland)
- Report finds that some western pharmaceutical companies used Chinese prisoners for testing transplant products
- Report supports China Tribunal’s Final Judgment in June 2019 which exposed China’s “wicked” organ harvesting crimes and murder of innocent people as “Crimes Against Humanity”
- China’s transplant system is “dependent on the import of devices for organ preservation” from the West
- Over 1.5 million people detained in Chinese “camps” seen as “ideal source of organs”
- Authors call for companies named in report to “answer” to allegations or for state offices to “investigat(e) international criminal activity”
- Global pressure is mounting on China to stop the brutal murder of prisoners of conscience in a scandalous industry estimated to illegally earn the People’s Republic of China over $1 billion per annum.
Susie Hughes – Executive Director, International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China (ETAC) stated: “These companies are in a very powerful position because China’s transplant industry would falter without them. It is imperative they withdraw from China immediately to help save innocent people who are being killed for their organs.”
Hamid Sabi – Counsel to the China Tribunal, who recently raised the issue of forced organ harvesting in China for the first time at the United Nations commented: “I welcome all new research confirming this horrifying issue. Organ transplantation to save life is a scientific and social triumph. But killing the donor is criminal.”