New research has revealed the TRUE cost of nights out each year for boozy Brits

From rounds of shots to late night kebabs and losing cash, new research has revealed the TRUE cost of nights out each year for boozy Brits – and it’s more than you might think.
A nationwide survey has revealed the nation’s 18-35 year olds now go out on average TWICE a week with friends, budgeting £50 per evening out (£5,200 a year on average)
But a hapless 78 percent routinely go over their budget after the alcohol starts flowing, splashing a FURTHER £1,389 a year on things they did NOT plan to spend money on.
According to the poll, young Brits fork out an additional £340 a year on fast food they regret the next day, as much as £174 on impromptu rounds of shots they wish they’d never bought – and £280 on taxis when they intended to catch the last bus or train.
In an average year, young Brits will also “lend” £145 to pals which they will never see again, fork out £88 paying for friends to get into clubs – and waste £170 treating friends to meals or food because they were feeling generous.
However, the majority are filled with regret the next day when the hangover kicks in – with 77 percent saying they always wake up with a feeling of dread about how much money they have spent.
And as a result, almost half (49 percent) of those in relationships say they regularly lie to their partner over how much money they have wasted.