New Virus-Killing Technology set to Revolutionize Employee Safety

Far-UV irradiation is harmless to humans, but kills both airborne and surface-based viruses and bacteria within seconds, including COVID-19, superbugs, noroviruses, flu and a wide range of other dangerous contaminants within a workplace. Once installed, Far-UV acts a quiet assassin – with no manual intervention, no consumables, no chemicals, and no harmful effects on the workforce, allowing them to get on with their day in a crowded environment and forget about the potential spreading of any viruses.
Far-UV eliminates 99.9% of contaminants in minutes (seconds where close quarters wand technology is used. An infected person can potentially contaminate many people as they move through an environment. When far-UV is deployed, it is cleaning the air that people breathe out and the surfaces that they touch. A few minutes after they have passed through an area, it is fully sanitised. Even when they are stationary, far-UV is actively combatting and suppressing any contagions, dramatically reducing the viral load in their immediate area.
The technology is extremely cost-effective; once installed, it has a long cycle of controlled operation and rarely needs and manual intervention until bulbs need changing. The systems come with control software and reporting so you are aware of how the lamps are operating and can also change their cycle of operation.
“This really is a game changer”, says Philip Emsley, UEC managing director. “This is a new but extremely powerful tool to help control the spread of viruses. It combats flu and noroviruses as well as coronaviruses, so installing far-UV active protection can have a wide range of long-term benefits for employee safety. It is the ultimate reassurance that a work environment is being actively and safely decontaminated all the time.”