Newcastle groups join forces to fight climate change on Black Friday

Fifty trees are being planted at Heaton Park, Newcastle on Black Friday 26 November as part of a climate justice initiative led by North East international development charity Traidcraft Exchange. Instead of joining in the frenzied shopping spree, volunteers will instead spend the day planting trees in Newcastle.
The trees are being planted to fight climate change in solidarity with communities in coastal Tanzania whose livelihoods are being devastated by extreme weather patterns. Traidcraft Exchange’s Plant an Acre initiative raised more than £30,000 to plant 632 acres of fruit trees in coastal Tanzania, and Newcastle parks are also getting more trees thanks to a partnership between Traidcraft Exchange, charity Urban Green Newcastle and Traidcraft plc, Traidcraft Exchange’s sister business.
The initiative is part of Traidcraft Exchange’s Regenerators project. The project helps those whose livelihoods have been devastated by climate change to regenerate their land and adapt to extreme weather patterns. The Regenerators appeal raised more than £1.3 million, including £656,292 of match funding from the UK government.
‘We’re delighted that both Newcastle and coastal Tanzania will benefit from new trees thanks to the generosity of our supporters, North East community groups and businesses,’ said Amy Wilson, Traidcraft Exchange’s Head of Partnerships and Investment. ‘As a symbol of hope we’re planting the Newcastle trees on Black Friday, a day which is traditionally about over-consumption and harming the environment. We’re doing the opposite, enriching the local environment in the North East while helping those on the front line of climate change adapt to a climate crisis they didn’t cause.’
Traidcraft Exchange’s sister business, Gateshead-based ethical retailer and pioneer of fair trade, Traidcraft, was the first business to pledge its support.
Acting CEO Matt Oliver said: ‘We actively reject the mindless mass consumerism Black Friday brings. That’s why this Black Friday some of our team will close our laptops, head outside and join our sister organisation Traidcraft Exchange to plant trees, one of the best ways we can lock up carbon in the ground to stop it warming up our planet!’
Barbara Hooper, Urban Green Newcastle director of parks and allotments said: ‘Trees have a huge role in helping combat climate change. Planting in our green spaces in the city will help not only our local communities, but also the very poorest on the other side of the world. Communities in Tanzania have been devastated by crops failure due to climate change, so Urban Green Newcastle is delighted to be helping in some small way, by contributing to the planting of more trees in both Newcastle and overseas.’