One in TWO Brits claim they have FAILED to make their dreams a reality

One in TWO Brits claim they have FAILED to make their dreams a reality, according to a new study.
Researchers took an in depth look in to the dreams and aspirations of the nation and discovered that while half said they had failed to make their dreams come true – a further 85 percent say they “have yet” to fulfil long-term ambitions.
In fact, according to the poll, the average Brit spends exactly 37 minutes a day dreaming about what could have been (that’s more than nine days a year) – and has wasted an average of £7,063 chasing dreams which never actually came to fruition.
The study of 5,000 Britons by Huawei, in conjunction with the launch of its Mate 10 Pro device, the world’s first AI enabled smartphone, found staggering 83 percent harbour dreams of travelling the world but never got around to it.
A further 57 percent LONG to start their own business, while a further 41 percent have always wished to go onto further education and win a masters, or PHD.