Over two-fifths of Brits deem ‘choice of partner’ as inappropriate banter topic

It’s a fact that banter holds a pivotal role in the communication repertoire of most Brits, but what topics, if any, should be avoided when bantering? A new survey by language learning platform Preply reveals just this.
According to the results, some things should be off the table when it comes to banter, and for over two fifths of Brits (45%), it’s their ‘choice of partner’.
Bristolians were the most protective over their partners, with 54% of people agreeing that no puns should come at the expense of their other half. 49% of women and 40% of men also agreed that this topic was a no-go – after all, the heart wants what it wants.
‘Political views’ ranked as the second topic to avoid, with 36% of Brits agreeing.
There’s nothing worse than a bad hair day, other than maybe a pun about a ‘bad hairstyle’, with 27% choosing it as a topic to avoid.