PAGE 8 LONDON PARTNER WITH DIGITAL WORKSPACE ‘VISUALIST’ Introducing a new series of collaborativ

Rounding off the year with flare, Page 8 London have partnered with Visualist, a productivity and collaboration tool for the modern creative. Visualist is a digital workspace that aims to provide mental clarity and ease the collaboration process for creative users. Throughout late November & December Page8 will be hosting a series of fashion, wellness and brand focused events to open up important conversations spearheaded by Visualist and their inspiring speakers. Guests will be welcomed with drinks and nibbles before the talks kick off at 6:45pm. The three events, detailed below, aim to provide an open platform where ideas can be shared in a safe environment.

Breaking into Fashion with Stephie Irwin- Wednesday, 24 November, 6:45pm -8:00pm at Page8 Hotel
Stephie is a London -based UX designer, passionate about fun and inclusive technology. Her talk will cover the challenges of finding your way into the fashion industry and how to overcome them. Conversations will cover how to find a role that is relevant to your interests and standing out from the crowd. Whether you’re at the start of your career or facing a fork in the road – come and join Stephanie for a friendly discussion of the complex fashion landscape and how to position yourself within it.
HOW: To book visit –

Building a Brand: Real Time, Real Talk with Shope Delano – Thursday 2nd December, 6:45pm -8:00pm at Page8 Hotel
Shope is in her own words a creator and child of the internet, trained in the rigours of modern marketing. After writing an open letter that went viral 8 months ago, Shope quit her job to work full time on ‘Kind Regards’ an apparel brand that is rewriting the rules of work. Head down to Page 8 for this insightful exploration of building a brand from scratch in 2021. From team-building to pattern making to sourcing and zooming, all inquisitive minds are welcome to join the discussion.
HOW: To book visit –

Making Headspace for Rituals with Laura Tudor – Wednesday, 15 December, 6:45pm -8:00pm at Page8 Hotel
Laura is the founder and entrepreneur behind CENTRED, a FemTech company normalising hair loss and scalp issues. CENTRED blurs the lines between haircare and wellness and Laura decided to the company after 10 years in the fashion industry where she experienced stress, exhaustion and ultimately burnout. Guests will be treated to CENTRED goodies and a mini scalp massage lesson. For Londoners looking to learn a little more about self-care, this event is just the ticket.
HOW: To book visit –

Location for all events: Page8 Hotel, Trafalgar Square

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