Here Are Some Peculiar Christmas Gifts for Grown-Ups

When it comes to Christmas gifts there should be no such thing as ‘too quirky’. Whether it’s a stocking filler for that hard-to-please spouse or you’ve drawn the short straw in the office Secret Santa, daft gifts are a sure-fire way of eliciting a smile come December 25.
Alongside weird and wonderful gifts for kids and pets, Robert Dyas has an array of pleasantly peculiar presents for grown-ups this Yuletide.
“Christmas can be a stressful time,” said Robert Dyas’ Head Elf and Senior Christmas Gifts Buyer Jodie Harris. “That’s why we are helping Father Christmas pack his sack full of laughter-inducing gifts. From the unusual to the plain odd, these offerings will bring joy and mirth to all this December.”
The Robert Dyas Curious Christmas Collection
As well as colourful jumpers and Auntie Ethel snoring, nuts are a festive staple. But where’s that nut cracker when you need it? Fear not, for the Robot Nut Cracker (£12.99) is at hand. Simply insert the nut into the robot’s tummy, turn the key and, hey presto, the nut is cracked. You’d be nuts not to find this retro slice of practical futurism a winner.
Indulge your inner Will Ferrell this festive season with this nifty Elf Apron (£9.99).
Pop on this alluring one-size-fits-all garment and Christmas cheer will radiate from the kitchen. Just don’t serve candy with every meal.
How are you feeling today? Happy? Indifferent? Melancholy? Sad? One crossed word away from seriously losing it? Inform your colleagues of your current emotional state with the Daily Mood Flipchart (£7.99). Comes with visual smileys, sarcastic definitions, fascinating facts and sample sentences. Passive aggression has never been so much fun!
You always swore it wouldn’t happen to you. And then you told your offspring to stop singing at the dinner table because it wasn’t the place for a ‘pop concert’. Congratulations, you are now a practitioner of the ancient art of Dad Jokes and you sir, require the Ladybird Books for Grown-Ups: Bad Dad Jokes (£7.99).
Fact: Offices can be soul-destroying places. Fact: The Ladybird Books for Grown-Ups: Office Pranks & Jokes (£7.99) will raise office morale by an impressive 73 per cent*.