Pent up demand from British tourists ready to give Spanish golf sector a major boost

Popular tourism destinations such as Spain have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, but hopes are high that pent up demand from British holidaymakers will provide a significant boost this summer.

Spain’s golf industry, in particular, is eyeing up demand from British golfers. The sector is responsible for 120,000 jobs (direct and indirect) and the generation of nearly €13 billion, including €777 million in direct income from golf courses and €4,640 million in spending by golf tourists. As such, golf is a major player in Spain’s tourism offering, with 1.2 million golfers travelling to enjoy Spain’s fairways each year (2020, obviously, being a notable exception).

British players are certainly missing golf – so much so that design and build firm Oakbridge Bespoke recently reported an increase in interest from clients wanting golf simulators in their own homes. Of course, even the fanciest of simulators can’t beat the feel of being out on the fairway, but it is hoped that British golfers won’t have to wait too much longer to do so. According to Pedro Homar, Director of the Palma Tourism Board.

Golf in Spain comes with a surprisingly affordable price tag. Indeed, the Golf Travel Centre recently worked out that the average Brit doing Dry January would save £343 from missing nights out (pandemic aside). That’s enough for a long weekend at the Costa del Sol’s stunning La Cala Golf Resort.

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