Peta Kelly, founder of The New Way will feature in the Kitty Talks podcast

Kitty Waters, serial entrepreneur and British founder of The Network, today announced Peta Kelly, founder of The New Way and creator of Jeaniius will feature in the Kitty Talks podcast in a powerful new episode entitled ‘We Are Always Being Slowly Equipped For Our Highest Purpose’. The episode, available on iTunes on 26 August 2017, will cover Kelly’s journey as a successful thought leader and entrepreneur, and how she found her path.

The New Way founder Peta Kelly shares her transition from PHD student to thought leader and entrepreneur in the latest episode of the Kitty Talks podcast, revealing her personal advice for like-minded individuals with a dream, as well as her unique vision of success.

The Australian speaker and business woman talks millenials, ideas, signals and alignment on the Kitty Talks podcast, and describes the steps taken to achieve her current status. “Pay attention to the ideas, to the visions”, says Kelly. “These are entitites, and they are specifically coming to us because we’re the human that’s equipped to bring them to life”.

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