A poll has revealed the film that has most inspired Brits to jet off on holiday

Man holding blue helmet close up
More than one in five Brits have booked a holiday just DAYS after watching a movie, according to new research.
A nation-wide poll has revealed the film that has most inspired Brits to jet off to sunnier climes, is the 2008 remake of the hit musical Mamma Mia.
In fact, almost one in twenty of the 2,000 adults polled booked a beach holiday to the Greek island of Skopelos after falling in love with the blue skies and whitewashed Greek buildings.
A further 31 percent have ventured to the Big Apple after watching the original chick-flick Breakfast at Tiffany’s, the Sex and the City movie or 80s classic When Harry Met Sally.
The survey also revealed 14 percent of sun seeking individuals were inspired to visit Thailand after watching Leonardo DiCaprio in The Beach.
And a party loving 13 percent hot-footed it straight to Las Vegas after watching the outlandish antics of the 2009 film The Hangover.
The poll by Travel Republic revealed how influential films are to travel planning, as when watching a film half of Brits wish they were there and we spend nine hours a week dreaming of being somewhere else, with New York, Italy, Paris and Hawaii the destinations we dream about most.
Almost half of the adults polled said movies often inspired their choice of holiday and 35 percent regularly add film locations to their bucket list of places to visit.