Prime Minister to hold Cabinet meeting in the North East for the first time

Investments in transport and science alongside positive developments in a historic devolution deal for the North East will be set out today as the Prime Minister prepares to host her Cabinet meeting in Gateshead.
Discussions at today’s Cabinet meeting will focus on implementing the government’s Modern Industrial Strategy, making sure the government delivers a Brexit deal works for every corner of the UK, and discussing the pivotal role of Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) in boosting growth and prosperity across the Northern Powerhouse.
As part of the government’s commitment to overhaul transport in the region, the Prime Minister will confirm an investment of up to £780 million for major upgrades to the East Coast Main Line from 2019, to be completed in the early 2020s.
The work will take place over the next few years and will see significant improvements to platforms, tracks, signals and junctions across the route. Together with new Intercity Express Trains on the East Coast Main Line, this will mean passengers travelling on long distance journeys between northern towns and cities will benefit from more seats and faster, more frequent journeys between Doncaster, Leeds and Newcastle.
Building on the government’s devolution agenda for the Northern Powerhouse, the Prime Minister will also confirm that government will lay the legislation to formally conclude the North of Tyne Devolution Deal with Newcastle, Northumberland and North Tyneside. The deal, which marks an unprecedented transfer of powers from central government to local people in the North of Tyne, is worth £600 million over 30 years and is expected to generate 10,000 new jobs in the region.