Redditch station lights up thanks to London Midland

As the autumn nights draw in passengers will be able to enjoy a, brighter and greener Redditch station thanks to an innovative new lighting project.
Train operator London Midland has worked with West Midlands lighting company, Thorlux Lighting, to install a raft of cutting edge technologies at Redditch station. The new lighting systems have transformed the platform areas and car park, providing a brighter, more welcoming environment for passengers using the station.
The link between lighting and safety is well-known and people are much more likely to feel comfortable in an area that is suitably illuminated. 71 new LED light fittings have been installed across the platforms and car park, replacing older and less reliable lighting systems.
Light levels at the station have increased significantly across the station and on the platforms to 100 lux, a measure indicating the brightness of light fittings. Along with safety, energy efficiency has been a key goal of the project. All of the new installations are fitted with presence detectors, meaning that the fittings brighten and dim depending on the time of day and the number of people around the station.