Redruth fry up raised £237 for charity

Social landlord Coastline Housing held a fundraising big breakfast for staff in Redruth and raised £237 for its charity of the year, Penhaligon’s Friends.
A team of the company’s senior managers donned chef hats and aprons to cook up a variety of delicious breakfast baps and pancakes for Coastline employees to get their working day off to a flying start.
The event was made possible thanks to the kind loan of cooking equipment from Redruth-based Abbotts Event Hire, who were keen to support the local fundraising.
Nathan Mallows, Director of Finance, was one of the managers doing a stint as a breakfast chef and enjoyed watching the money flow in across the morning. He said: “We’re delighted that colleagues were so keen to support such a worthy cause. Penhaligon’s Friends is a charity that’s very close to our hearts here at Coastline, so we are proud to do what we can to support them.”