Reports indicate global alcohol use is on the rise with an estimated 6.2 litres now being consumed per person

Reports from the World Health Organisation indicate global alcohol use is on the rise with an estimated 6.2 litres now being consumed per person aged 15 or older over the course of a single year. Cases of alcohol use disorders continue to surge while 3.3 million annual deaths around the world are attributed to alcohol consumption. In response to this upward trend, leading online alcohol addiction treatment specialist, Craig Beck is bringing his latest live stop drinking events to London, England.
“As a former heavy drinker myself, I fully understand the feelings and thought processes behind the addiction,” said Beck. “I’m also well aware of how difficult and ineffective conventional stop drinking programmes can be for so many people. After considerable research and soul searching, I finally found a method that worked for me, one that helped me control my cravings without willpower or withdrawal. I’m proud to share this knowledge with others and help people all over the world break free from their alcohol addiction in a single day.”
Beck’s quit drinking events are set to trial in London on May 27, 2018. From there, his upcoming tour will venture to Australia and on to the United States before ending in Bangkok in late November. Additional venues will be added over the course of the tour depending on demand. Booking information and further details are available through the Stop Drinking Expert website.
Sources note Beck’s seminars cover a wide range of relevant topics, such as the reason for high failure rates of traditional addiction treatments. Methods for controlling cravings and avoiding withdrawal are likewise explained. Understanding the enormous benefits of sobriety and handling social situations without alcohol is additionally among Beck’s areas of expertise. Seminars are surrounded by full discretion with personal information, and identity kept confidential at all times.