RESEARCH: 34 million Brits do not have a will in place

With October marking Free Wills month, new research has found only a third (33%)* of the UK population have a will in place. This means across the UK 34 million Brits** are leaving their families and beneficiaries exposed should the worst happen.

For many, the practice of making a will happens when they experience a significant life event, with the research showing three in 10 undertake the process when they have children (31%), 20% when they get married and 18% when they become homeowners. A staggering 20% state they would not write a will following significant life events like these.

When looked at across the UK, over half (51%) of residents in Edinburgh have a will in place, followed by 45% of those living in Plymouth While those from Glasgow are the least likely to have a will (25%), followed by Birmingham (27%).


Top 5 cities where residents are most likely to have a will

City % of population that has had or currently has a will
Edinburgh 51%
Plymouth 45%
Southampton 43%
Bristol 42%
Belfast 41%


Top 5 cities where residents are least likely to have a will

City % of population that has had or currently has a will
Glasgow 25%
Birmingham 27%
Liverpool 29%

While a third of people have taken the time to put a will in place, only 10% of the UK population currently have organised a Power of Attorney. The impact of not having one in place can be catastrophic, as there may be a time when people are unexpectedly unable to manage their personal or financial affairs and will need someone else to do so. Yet the awareness of the product and the benefits of having it in place remain almost non-existent.

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