RESEARCH: Brits are cheered up by Funny Films, Walks, Chocolate and Sex

A sexual wellness company is challenging the nation to turn the ‘Blue’ in Blue Monday on its head, by taking to our beds for a little self-care. The company,, carried out a survey with 1000 men and women to find out their preferred antidote to the third Monday in January, which has become known as the ‘most depressing day of the year’.
It seems, according to the research, that our number one choice as a nation to cheer us up when we feel down is a funny film (29%) this is followed by a walk (28%) and a bar of chocolate (26%). In fourth place (24%) was sex/an orgasm. Founder, Shelley Morelli, believes we’re missing out.
She explains: “January can be a tricky month for some. We’re all feeling the pinch, it’s cold and it’s easy to feel low after the highs of the festive season. But the fact that more of us would reach for a bar of chocolate than our partner is damming, to say the least! 2018 is all about self-care and it doesn’t get more literal than this. We want to encourage people to turn this day into one of positivity and fun, and maybe even inject a little lust into the proceedings.
“Reconnecting with your partner is a fantastic way of boosting endorphins. It’s free and contains no calories making it the perfect antidote to the January blues. Of course you don’t even need a partner to make the most of this free endorphin rush, so there’s no excuse for missing out.”
The original Blue Monday formula, devised in 2005, was calculated using a series of factors in a mathematical formula including: the weather, debt level (amount owed versus ability to pay), the amount of time since Christmas, time since failing our new year’s resolutions, low motivational levels and the feeling of a need to take charge of the situation.