Research reveals keys to public support for low traffic neighbourhoods

Approximately 100 people living with low traffic neighbourhoods (LTNs) in London and Birmingham have taken part in a deliberative research project to develop recommendations for how to improve future schemes.
Residents want to see thorough engagement with local communities at proposal stage, and a more sensitive and gradual introduction of schemes, alongside additional measures to make it easier to get around without driving.
The new study, from the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen), is designed to help ensure that lessons are learned from Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) introduced during the first COVID-19 lockdown. The Government’s Net Zero Strategy and the COP26 summit reaffirmed the urgency of tackling traffic pollution, which is set to be a big topic of discussion heading into local elections next May.
NatCen led deliberative workshops with almost 100 people living in or near LTNs in the London boroughs of Lambeth and Wandsworth, and the Lozells district of Birmingham. The workshops provided residents – selected to ensure diversity and a wide range of views on LTNs – with impartial evidence and space for in-depth debate about schemes that local councils have implemented with government funding since last spring.
Following an expert presentation, participants demonstrated a broad understanding of the rationale for LTNs – to provide more space for cycling and walking as well as reducing traffic and pollution on residential streets – and generally expressed openness to efforts designed to meet these goals. However, despite making sense on paper, when reflecting on their own lived experience, they felt the model needed improvement to better translate into reality.
Participants reflected on the information they were given and explored each other’s points of view, borne out of different needs, preferences and values, and came to an agreement on good practice principles for future schemes.
In particular, they recommended:
more information and opportunity to have a say about LTN proposals, with efforts made to engage a cross-section of local residents on an ongoing basis;
more sensitive implementation, with clearly visible cameras and signage, and grace periods where warnings are given rather than fines;
and more investment in other measures, such as cycle lanes and bus services to make it easier to leave the car at home.
Participants welcomed the opportunity to exchange views and understand one another. In a questionnaire after the workshops, around half (31 out of 63 respondents) said they had changed their views on LTNs as a result of taking part, while around half (32 out of 63 respondents) said they had not. Among those who changed their views, around 50% supported LTNs to a greater extent, while around a third were more opposed than when they began deliberations.
The main reasons given for supporting them more were that they felt better informed about the reasons behind the introduction of LTNs and more aware of the environmental, health and safety benefits of LTNs. The main reason given for opposing them more was that they became aware of how they impacted other people, including local businesses and more vulnerable residents.
Dr Ceri Davies, Director of NatCen’s Centre for Deliberative Research, said: “This research strongly reflects the value of citizen engagement for generating solutions to contested and complex policy issues. We hope the insights from this research will support consultation on, and implementation of, successful sustainable transport schemes in the UK in the years to come.”
10 ways to make a success of LTNs, according to residents
Despite the wide range of views on LTNs, residents largely agreed on key recommendations for securing public support for future active travel schemes:
Consultation and engagement
1. Local authorities to engage with LTN residents, boundary residents and businesses from the very start, and provide relevant information.
2. Any consultation or resident engagement to be on an ongoing basis and ensure that it is inclusive and accessible to all e.g. taking account of low literacy in English or digital exclusion.
3. A credible rationale for LTNs including an explanation of why they are needed in a particular area and the likely benefits e.g. any evidence for the reduction of traffic and improvement in air quality.
4. Local authorities to provide a map of all the LTNs across their borough and neighbouring boroughs to help residents navigate them effectively. In addition to this, the introduction of LTNs (and any changes to them) to be updated on sat-nav systems.
LTNs and any new measures to be introduced gradually and include a “grace period” to allow residents time to understand and adjust to new measures, e.g. issuing a warning and not a fine on the first one or two incidents.
6. Exemptions and resident passes to be available for those who need exemptions under the right conditions e.g. Blue Badge holders.
7. Signage and traffic cameras to be clearly visible so that they cannot be missed.
8. Barriers and planters to be more flexible to allow access for key groups such as emergency services.
Complementary measures to promote alternatives to car use
9. Incentivising people to walk (by introducing better street lighting), and cycle (by making roads safer), as well as providing more secure on street bike storage.
10. Better communications around cycling and walking options within LTNs as well as improved public transport services that are more frequent, comfortable, accessible and affordable.
These recommendations are backed by a range of interest groups who served on an Advisory Group offering guidance and support on designing, implementing and communicating the research. Organisations representing a range of different perspectives were invited to join the Advisory Group.