Research reveals what mothers REALLY want this mothers day and uninterrupted bathroom trips tops the list!

As the clocks spring forward on Sunday 30 March, we lose an hour — but for mums of young children, it often feels like there’s never enough time to begin with.
New research* from OnePoll for Philips Avent reveals the significant emotional and practical toll of motherhood, and just how much a moment of uninterrupted time could mean for mums this Mother’s Day.
50% of mums say lack of free time prevents them from meeting even basic daily needs
40% feel guilty for needing time away from their baby
31% say they lack support from a “village” and feel like a burden when asking for help
When mums do get support, it’s the little things that make the biggest impact, with mums sharing the simple pleasures they enjoy when having a moment for themselves:
A long, uninterrupted bath or shower (58%)
Enjoying a meal in peace (51%)
Drinking a hot tea or coffee (49%)
Watching a favourite TV show (43%)
Catching up with friends without interruption (35%)
Even going to the bathroom on their own, or a solo walk (33%) makes the list
This year, Philips Avent is calling on families, friends and communities to help be the “village” that every mum deserves and gift them with the valuable time they need for themselves, this Mother’s Day.
“Mums don’t need grand gestures,” said Hannah Clarke, spokesperson for Philips Avent. “They need support from those around them to help share the care of their baby, to get a much-needed break. Mums already have so little time in the day for themselves and getting an hour back this Mother’s Day for a hot drink, a catch up with friends, a peaceful walk or a moment of quiet can mean everything.”
These findings echo previous research** from Philips Avent, which showed nearly half of new mums struggled with sleep deprivation (55%) and a lack of time for self-care (47%). One in five mums even confessed that figuring out how to still have time for themselves while looking after their baby was their main source of stress as a parent.
In hindsight, 63% of mums said they’d ask for more help if they could turn back time.
To help mums prioritise their wellbeing, Philips Avent has partnered with NHS GP, BBC Morning Live Resident Doctor, author and mum of two, Dr. Punam Krishan, who shares her top three self-care tips:
1. Care for yourself as you care for your child
“As a doctor and a mum, I see first-hand how demanding motherhood can be. Remember, when you are well, your family is well too.”
2. Schedule time just for you
“Even 10 minutes can make a difference. Block it in your diary and treat it as non-negotiable. Use that time to take a walk, enjoy a coffee with a friend, or simply breathe and reflect.”
3. Ask for help and share the load
“Motherhood was never meant to be a solo journey. Lean on your support system — friends, family, neighbours — and take the time you need without guilt.”