SafeTitan ($STTN) Cryptocoin ICO Rescheduled For August 14th

SafeTitan Cryptocoin has announced via twitter that their ICO will be pushed back to Saturday, August 14th.  According to the BEP20 token brand’s official blog, the Initial Coin Offering is delayed after hiring an expert technology team to upgrade security protocols.


This news should be welcomed by Crypto investors and enthusiasts, who’ve been waiting to buy their stake in the STTN coin. SafeTitan’s mission has always been to provide a highly secure token that is one of the fastest to use, cheapest in gas fees, and most decentralized cross-chain exchange in the far east.

Welcome to America, China Coin

Dubbed “the China coin,’ it’s managed to cross over into the far West as well however.   Through social media and news blogs, it’s gaining momentum.  There’s visible growth in mentions on the official reddit, telegram, and facebook cryptocurrency groups.    And this has created a growing demand for the STTN ICO, originally slated for July 2021.

That high demand has many excited.  If the cryptocurrency brand’s recent tweet is accurate, it may join the list of crypto moon shots.

“SafeTitan’s recent review of registrations and traffic indicate over 67,500+ should try to register for our ICO in the next few weeks,” tweeted the Token brand on social media about user registration projections.

They continued with a note on limitations however, which is more important.

“Please take notice and be aware, only the first 10,000 to register and fully verify their account, will be allowed to make a purchase during our ICO.”

The tweets indicate SafeTitan’s ICO will be a lot of excitement for some and disappointment for others.

Minimum & Maximum Buys

However, for those that do get one of the 10K available accounts,  these users must be prepared with funds.  Registered users that cannot make a minimum purchase of $50, may be removed from the ‘party.’

And for the ‘cryptocoin whales,’ these animals too will be limited.  Only $1,000 (USD) of   STTN coins can be purchased, maximum. This is to help minimize risks of false price pumps.  Also, this will help SafeTitan coins maintain a stable & healthy base price.

The SafeTitan ICO will be held on their official website, There is an on-site ‘app’ for registrants to use to access and maintain their personal account .

Cryptocurrency investors must be signed up and verified via the SafeTitan ICO app by the registration deadline August 9th.    The coming ICO on August 14th will not be open to those who register afterwards.



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