Sally Wood, Mika Simmons and Alex Light attend Venus event at AllBright Mayfair in support of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month with the Lady Garden Foundation

Every year in the UK, more than 21,000 women are diagnosed with gynaecological cancers[i]. Despite this, according to research from female razor brand Venus, when it comes to talking about every day pubic and gynaecological health, we are stuck in the dark ages. The subject remains taboo with over a quarter (41%[ii]) of women admitting being too embarrassed to go to the doctor with a gynaecological-related concern.
In fact, embarrassment amongst UK women to talk all things pubic goes even further, right down to the language we use. The study also found that whilst women’s health may be seen as a topic widely discussed in the media, the reality is, UK women simply aren’t comfortable talking about their pubic area and certainly aren’t confident to use the correct anatomical terms when they do. Although nearly three quarters (74%)[iii] of women believe they should be able to use words like “vagina” and “pubic” in public without feeling shame, nearly half (47%)[iv] say they’ve been made to feel these aren’t appropriate terms to use.
With over half (58%)[v] of women admitting they would rather Google concerns about their pubic health instead of talking to a healthcare professional, this Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month (OCAM), Venus want to help encourage women to get loud and proud to #KnowYourPubic.
The findings on female confidence when it comes to pubic language have underpinned Venus’ commitment to tackle this outdated stigma and help give women the confidence to talk about their pubic hair and skin care. It comes as the brand enters another year of its partnership with women’s health charity, The Lady Garden Foundation.
The partnership hopes that by normalising language surrounding pubic care and gynae health, women will have the confidence to talk more openly and without embarrassment. Through this they aim to help women gain better knowledge of different gynaecological cancers and the symptoms (which are often subtle and can go unnoticed) to help improve earlier detection rates.
In further support of the partnership Venus has created a limited-edition Pubic Hair & Skin Starter Pack exclusively available at Superdrug where for every pack sold = one donation, to the Lady Garden Foundation[vi], helping to support lifesaving research, awareness, and vital resources for those affected by gynaecological cancers.
“We’re thrilled to continue our partnership with Venus and champion our joint mission of get to #KnowYourPubic, which aims to get women talking more openly about their gynaecological health and pubic care,” commented The Lady Garden Foundation. “We know first-hand the power talking can have on breaking down taboos, normalising conversations and helping to educate women on the signs to look out for, helping them to take the best care of their bodies and spot early symptoms of ovarian and gynaecological cancers. Regular checks are also important in helping to spot potential early signs, for example using the time when caring for your pubic areas as a reminder to check in on your gynaecological health and make note of any possible changes.”
As the brand continues to encourage more public conversations about all things pubic, Venus hosted a taboo busting live podcast recording of The Happy Vagina with host and founder of The Lady Garden Foundation, Mika Simmons. Mika was joined by a panel of expert guests including Dr Stephanie Kuku, who as part of her clinical career sat on the council of the British Gynaecological Cancer Society and Venus’ Director of Scientific Communication, Dr Frauke Neuser.
Olivia Hughes, Senior Communications Manager for Venus said: “We should be free to talk about our pubic areas. This partnership is so important in continuing what we began when launching our Pubic Hair and Skin Collection, to encourage using language which accurately and respectfully represents the female body. In today’s modern age, these words should not be taboo.
“Whether hair is there, growing or gone, we want to encourage women to have open and honest conversations about their pubic care, removing misinformation, and tackling stigma at the same time. With The Lady Garden Foundation, we want to go one step further and together help empower women to feel confident to talk about how their pubic care and gynaecological health whilst also raising critical funds for their important work.”
The Venus for Pubic Hair & Skin Collection
The collection, which includes a razor, exfoliant, shave gel and serum, has been designed specifically to address the unique needs of the pubic area. Pubic hair is coarse and the skin is delicate, so for many women it requires a different approach to help avoid shave bumps, ingrown hairs, redness, and itchiness all of which Venus’ collection has been uniquely designed to help address. The collection is dermatologist and gynaecologist tested, pH balanced and free of parabens, dyes, fragrance and silicon. The products can be used together as a regimen or individually – whatever fits your needs.
You can find the Venus Pubic Hair & Skin Razor and Collection at retailers nationwide. The donating Venus Pubic Hair & Skin Pack is available exclusively at Superdrug nationwide, RRP £9.99.
The special edition of the Happy Vagina podcast with Mika Simmons and panellists will be released on 29th March and available wherever you get your podcasts.
To be part of the conversation yourself, head to @GilletteVenusUK and @theladygardenfoundation and get to #KnowYourPubic.