Science museum bars public entry to new ‘energy revolution’ gallery after protesters expose museum’s coal sponsor

Yesterday, more than 30 protesters led by young people from Youth Action for Climate Justice and members of Scientists for Extinction Rebellion started an occupation of the Science Museum’s new climate gallery, Energy Revolution, over its sponsorship by the coal giant and arms manufacturer, Adani. They remain in the gallery for a second day.
Today (Saturday, 13 April) the museum has taken the decision to close the gallery and prevent the public from interacting with the protesters and learning about the realities of the gallery’s sponsor.
Dr Aaron Thierry, one of the scientists at the protest said: “It is clear from the decision to shut the Museum’s new climate gallery to the public that the Science Museum’s management is ashamed of us exposing the truth behind the dirty deal and would rather dine with coal giants than listen to young people and scientists. We are peacefully here to make our point and interact with the visiting public and have been prevented from doing so. The science is clear that there can be no more fossil fuel extraction if we want a liveable future. In partnering with a subsidiary of Adani, the largest private producer of coal on the planet, the Science Museum is blatantly ignoring the science. It’s disgraceful.”
Anya, one of the young people occupying the gallery said: “We had hoped to have a dialogue with visitors to the gallery about alternative sponsorship options for the museum in an open and peaceful way. It is disappointing that the museum is afraid to allow this opportunity for learning. We’re here today with scientists who are able to talk about the key issue of our time and critically engage with the exhibits around us. Walling us off from the public is clearly siding with Adani and protecting the coal giant and human rights abuser from public scrutiny.”