Whilst the world celebrates a summer of sport, inhabit-ants at SEA LIFE Brighton are engaging in their own super-strength competition. The Leafcutter Ants, housed in and found marching across the attraction’s rainforest area, can lift a huge 20x their own body weight!
Whilst this is a mesmerising feat on its own, it is even more so when you discover world champion weightlifters only manage a measly 3x their own bodyweight in comparison.
As the Leafcutter Ants don’t have the opportunity to boast their skills on the world stage, SEA LIFE Brighton has shared remarkable imagery of the ant-ics of its six-legged strength stars.
Leafcutter Ants are also distinctive for their marching lines, which on some occasions can reach a massive 30m in length as they follow the scent of pheromones given off by the ants in front. So, like other sporting teams, the ants tend to show off their muscles, side-by-side, as there is no ‘I’ in team…or ants.
Not only can the indestructible insects tackle tough weightbearing exercises, but they also have super strong jaws, meaning they can nibble away sections of a leaf to return home to their colony.
Neil Harris, General Manager of SEA LIFE Brighton, said: “It’s outstanding what these tiny creatures can do! SEA LIFE Brighton is home to many wondrous creatures, from both the sea and above ground, and the Leafcutter Ants are just another amazing example of what our world has to offer.
“The Leafcutter Ants’ strength is mesmerising, watching weightlifting on the TV makes you realise just how super strong they are to lift 20x their own bodyweight, this is definitely worthy of a gold medal.”
To visit SEA LIFE Brighton – the oldest aquarium in the world – and witness the ants’ strength in person visit the website to book your visit: