SEA LIFE centres across the UK are proud to support ‘SNAP’

SEA LIFE centres across the UK have been collecting microscopic eggs – some of which are smaller than the head of a pin, as part of a n exciting new project to improve fish breeding techniques.
SEA Life are proud to be involved with SNAP, a new programme that is working to raise tropical marine fish safely and sustainably using eggs produced in SEA LIFE aquariums.
The SustaiNable Aquarium Project (SNAP) was set up by leading UK aquarium teams, including ZSL (Zoological Society London), The Deep, SEA LIFE and Bangor University, to and increase global understanding of marine animals and their life cycles.
As the breeding of aquatic animals is a significantly complex science, and the work done by these teams is incredibly important in ensuring fish eggs are able to develop into adults. Projects like SNAP aim to advance aquaculture techniques and help boost marine species which are near threatened or endangered, while highlighting the collective awareness that aquariums have an important role to play in the future of conserving our oceans.
In recent months specially designed ‘egg-catchers’ have allowed the teams to collect microscopic eggs – some of which are smaller than the head of a pin – that are produced by SEA LIFE’s many reef fish species. The eggs are then sent to Bangor University’s School of Ocean Sciences, where experts aim to rear them to adulthood.
Chris Brown, Head of Marine Programs and Engagement at SEA LIFE, said: “As the world’s oceans become increasingly threatened by climate change, pollution, and overfishing, research into breeding fish species is now crucial to help safeguard for the future, and SEA LIFE is very proud to be taking part. Now more than ever our oceans, and the aquatic life within them, need significant attention.
“The SNAP programme brings together some of the UK’s most established aquarists, and the work the team is undertaking is incredibly important when it comes to learning more about the intricate life cycles of these species and how to sustainably maintain marine life populations across the world.”
For more information on SNAP, visit:
The SEA LIFE Merlin Entertainments attractions taking part in SNAP comprise:
SEA LIFE Loch Lomond
SEA LIFE Scarborough
SEA LIFE Brighton
SEA LIFE Manchester
SEA LIFE Birmingham
SEA LIFE Hunstanton
SEA LIFE Weymouth
SEA LIFE Blackpool