A Selection of Creative Mother’s Day Gift Ideas from Robert Dyas

Ideally, every day should be Mother’s Day as we give thanks to the person that brought us kicking and screaming – literally – into the world. Alas, it’s not. So, we all have to make do with just once a year stopping to remember the untold sacrifices and unconditional love that only a mother can provide.
In the UK, that day is next marked on March 11 2018. The day always falls on the fourth Sunday of Lent, and three weeks before Easter Sunday. The middle Sunday of Lent has long been associated with mothers; as on that day – Laetare Sunday – it was traditional for people to return home to their mother church.
Mothering Sunday – or, the more common (and Americanised), Mother’s Day – was formalised in the UK in the early 20th Century when a vicar’s daughter named Constance Smith read a newspaper report of a campaign in America to celebrate such a day across the Atlantic.
Today, it’s estimated that close to £1.5billion was spent on Mother’s Day last year (including retail and non-retail – dining out for example – spend). It’s clearly big business. It is generally found that mothers aren’t bothered about receiving a lavish gift on the day. Rather, they’d happily spend time with their children instead.
Leading high street homewares retailer Robert Dyas has acknowledged this sentiment by highlighting a range of affordable presents that mum will appreciate – alongside a visit on March 11 of course.
Children can customise and let their creativity shine this Mother’s Day with a wide range of gift ideas from Robert Dyas.
Robert Dyas’ Mother’s Day Checklist
Let mum know how much you think of her with this cool Cinematic Lightbox (£5.99). Another way of passing on your loving thoughts is via this Speech Bubble Light (£12.99).
If your mum’s a frustrated artist, this adult colouring book (£6.93) will provide her with a suitable outlet for her colouring talents.
If it’s true that photos speak a thousand words, then applying some cherished snaps of you and your mum to this Polaroid Magnetic Photo Frame (£11.99) will go down a treat. As will popping a photo in this photo frame (£5.99).
Want to evoke happy childhood memories? Mums will love this skipping rope (£7.99).
Mothers rushing off to work in a morning will love this make up bag (£6.00) – ideal for mums on-the-go. And at the end of a busy day, these Epsom Bath Salts (£3.29) are just the tonic.
Come summer, watching birds feeding in this bird feeder (£9.99) will allow mum to reflect upon the beauty of life.
Nurturing is second nature to mums so growing chillies (£5.99) is a nice touch.