Seventy per cent of councils in Scotland warn they may be unable to pass balanced budgets

New research out today from Local Government Information Unit (LGIU) Scotland reveals that 70% of all councils believe they will be unable to pass a balanced budget within the next five years without immediate changes.

The second annual State of Local Government Finance in Scotland, found councils are taking every measure available to balance their budgets including raising council tax, reducing expenditure and increasing fees and charges, sharing services and engaging in commercial activity. However, many councils believe this will still not be enough to prevent the risk of an unbalanced budget. Nearly every respondent said they believe cuts to services will have a negative impact on quality of life in their council, and over 90% that cuts will increase the risks to vulnerable people.

The report found satisfaction with the Scottish Government is alarmingly poor across the sector. Not a single respondent said they were happy with the Scottish Government’s performance on delivering a sustainable funding system or considering local government in wider policy decisions.

Respondents representing 84% of Scottish councils, made up of council leaders, CEOs and CFOs said times are increasingly hard for local authorities, with ongoing pressure from the cost of living crisis and inflation adding new burdens on top of long-term challenges: demographic change, financing of Scottish Government priorities, and pressures with recruitment and retention of staff.

With councils’ confidence in the sustainability of council finances critically low, the sector is in favour of widespread reform, including multi-year financial settlements, ending ring-fencing, and reform of council tax. Councils are optimistic about the role that local government, sufficiently funded and empowered, could have to advance the prevention agenda, tackle local and national shared priorities, deliver services and empower communities.

The report recommends an agreed national convention between Scottish Government and local government to cover procedures and actions that would then be needed to set a balanced budget; enshrining in legislation the principles of the Verity House Agreement, and committing to an annual review by Scottish Parliament covering the key principles.

Some of the medium to long-term recommendations include reconsidering a whole-system approach to funding wider public finances including a review of council tax, the funding formula and increasing the range of revenue-raising options available for councils.

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