Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe to deliver keynote speech at the BCI World Conference

In what will be one of his first speeches since departing his role as the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe will be delivering the keynote speech at the BCI World Conference at the Novotel London West Hotel in November.
In what was a baptism of fire, Sir Bernard took charge of the Metropolitan Police not long after the worse riots London had experienced in several decades and shortly before the 2012 Olympics. His vision for the Met was ‘total policing’ which sought to promote total professionalism from the workforce, a total war on crime and total care for victims.
James McAlister FBCI, Chairman of the Business Continuity Institute, commented: “We’re thrilled to have Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe speaking at the conference. As the UK’s former top police officer, he perhaps knows more than anyone about the value of preparing for worst case scenarios, and of working in partnership with a wide range of groups to prevent those scenarios from happening. I know he’ll have some fascinating, and as yet unheard, stories to tell from his time in charge. The whole programme looks to be the best one yet, and I would encourage those in the industry to book their place and take advantage of the terrific learning and networking opportunity that BCI World offers.”