St John Ambulance Cymru marks World Day For Safety And Health At Work

According to the Health and Safety Executive, in 2022 alone 565,000 working people sustained an injury at work. A total of 36.8 million working days were lost due to work-related illness and workplace injury.
April 28th marks World Day For Safety And Health At Work and St John Ambulance Cymru is continuing its mission to enhance the health and wellbeing of communities in Wales by encouraging workplaces to think about first aid training and sign up for one of their many training courses.
Kate Evans, Head of Commercial Training for St John Ambulance Cymru, said, “At St John Ambulance Cymru we offer a wide range of in person and online training courses with the aim of keeping people safe at work. As well as our well known First Aid at Work course, we also offer Health and Safety Awareness Training, Manual Handling Training and Fire Marshalling Training.
The average person spends 1,795 hours per year at work, and 565,000 workers sustained a non-fatal injury at work between 2021 and 2022.
The Health and Safety Executive reports that workplace accidents are most common in the agriculture, forestry and fishing industry, the construction industry and the accommodation and food service industry, with injuries incurred whilst lifting or carrying by far the most common. Slips or falls are the second most common workplace injury, followed by injuries incurred by falling objects.
It’s so important that we not only teach people first aid, but also provide ways to prevent accidents occurring in the first place, which is why we are committed to offering a wide range of training courses that focus on health and safety as well as first aid.”
In 2021 and 2022 914,000 workers reported suffering work-related stress, depression or anxiety. As mental health issues increase St John Ambulance Cymru has launched our mental health awareness course, the first of its kind in Wales. The mental health first aid course aims to provide a good understanding and awareness of mental health issues in your workplace. As more people find the confidence to come forward to discuss their mental health, we want to ensure organisations are fully equipped to support them.
Kate Evans added, “St John Ambulance Cymru has trained over 1,500 people in mental health awareness at organisations across Wales since launching their mental health first aid course in 2018.
We understand the importance of mental health awareness at work and the effect it can have not only on the person affected but also their team, and as an organisation remain committed to a holistic approach which recognises mental illness on par with physical illness.
We are proud to be delivering a wide range of training to help enhance the health and wellbeing of communities in Wales.”
Profits from the sale of our training courses and supplies help fund our charitable work, including community and schools first aid training and running our children and young people programmes. When choosing to train with St John Ambulance Cymru you’ll get exceptional service, be supporting your community and you’ll be meeting your corporate social responsibility goals.
If you are a community group and are looking for a course for your group, please visit