Star sign compatibility study reveals which Love Islanders are destined to find eachother

The nation’s most awaited show kicks off again on Monday, with 10 sexy singles entering the villa for a fun-filled summer of love.
But as it’s still yet unknown whose love story will capture the nation’s hearts, researchers at Kegel8 have analysed the new cast’s star signs to discover whose love is a recipe for disaster or written in the stars…
Well, according to the compatibility calculator, there are five potential pairings that could go the full distance.
And it’s good news for star sign enthusiast Dami, who confessed his Aries passion would make him the perfect partner – as Sagittarius Indiyah and Leo Tasha could both be good first choices from the starting lineup.
If Dami’s looking for someone equally as passionate, Tasha’s fiery characteristics should provide them with an exciting relationship – though their egos could get in the way and spark arguments.
On the other hand, partnering with London girl Indiyah could be more harmonious due to their shared energy and interests. The only thing that could get in the way here is a lack of communication early on – as Aries can be in too much of a rush, while Sagittarius struggle to spot obvious signs – making communication an issue here.
Tasha and Indiyah could be the ones to watch, as they both are romantically compatible with this year’s Welshman, Liam Llewellyn – who is a Leo.
When Leo and Sagittarius are together – there are often fireworks combined with genuine admiration and respect for one another – which can be a treat for anyone in their presence. If Liam is to win over Indiyah, he will have to watch his ego or bossiness, which Leo often possesses.
Two Leo’s like Tasha and Liam could instantly be attracted due to their similar traits and passion but will need to work on their relationship if they are to couple up as this close match could swing the pendulum between sheer love and total dismissal.
Another contestant who’s got a good chance at finding love according to astrological compatibility is London born Gemini – Amber Beckford.
Judging by our findings, there’s potential for the 24-year-old to find love with Dami or Liam if either of them ‘lay it on factor 50’.
Amber’s astrological match with Aries Dami could see them connect physically and intellectually, with excellent communication and a deep understanding of one another. Whereas, if she couples up with Leo Liam, they could be in for a playful, high-spirited, optimistic relationship.
These pairings won’t survive without work, as Gemini’s flirtatiousness or Aries’ and Leo’s controlling natures could result in arguments that will either spice things up or ruin these potential unions.
For anyone eagerly waiting to see who Michael Owen’s daughter Gemma couples up with, Real Estate Agent Andrew could be a good choice. Andrew, a Pisces, and Gemma, a Taurus, both value harmony and stability in a relationship. However, an eight-year age difference could prove troublesome for the pair at different points in their lives outside the villa.
Meanwhile, potential pairings who’d be better off as friends or could end up in a dramatic ‘pieing’ are Gemma and Liam or Dami, Liam and Gemma or Paige, Andrew and Tasha, Indiyah or Paige.
On the opposite end of the scale, if Amber and Andrew or Paige and Dami were to couple up, this could be a recipe for disaster due to their opposing star signs.
Watch how the drama unfolds on Monday 6 June.