Statistics released on obesity-related hospital admissions in England in 2018-19

Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet, England, 2020 is an annual compendium of new information, including hospital admissions and prescription items, and previously published information such as obesity prevalence among adults and children.
Newly published statistics cover the number of Finished Admission Episodes (FAEs) in 2018-19 where obesity was recorded as either a primary or secondary diagnosis, and obesity-related admissions for bariatric surgery over the same period. These are broken down by gender, age, Local Authority and Clinical Commissioning Group.
For the first time, this year’s publication also includes obesity-related hospital admissions broken down by level of deprivation.
The report also contains the number of items prescribed to treat obesity in 2018-19.
Previously published figures cover:
- The prevalence of obesity in adults and children
- The proportion of adults and children meeting the government’s physical activity guidelines
- The proportion of adults and children consuming the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables a day
- Information on food and drink purchases and expenditure