Survey reveals Brits failing to meet the daily allowance of fruit and veg

A new survey* commissioned by Diabetes UK to promote its ‘Food you love’ healthy eating campaign in Diabetes Week has found that 66 per cent of adults eat three or fewer portions of fruit and/or vegetables a day – well below the recommended five portions – and 46 per cent won’t eat any fruit at least three days a week.
The survey also found that three quarters of us don’t know what constitutes a recommended portion of vegetables, and two thirds of people weren’t able to identify a portion of fruit (both of which are 80g, that’s equivalent to three heaped tbsps of vegetables or a handful of fruit like an apple or pear).
Diabetes UK has described the results of the survey as ‘a huge cause for concern’, as a healthy, balanced diet is important for everyone, including people living with diabetes. Diabetes can affect anyone – the survey highlighted that most of us (59 per cent) now know someone with the condition. Yet most people would ignore four out of six symptoms of diabetes (thrush, fatigue, increased urination and extreme thirst).