Go Green and ditch plastic products for 2023.

Ditch harsh chemicals, part with plastic and scrub up on your cleaning habits for 2023. Award winning sustainable household essentials brand, Seep, has a few tips to help you go green.

1. Leave harsh cleaning chemicals behind

It’s time to ditch the harsh chemicals! We’ve all been guilty of grabbing the most aggressive cleaning solutions for the simplest of stains and forgetting the damage once it’s down the drain.

A huge amount of the chemicals found in traditional cleaning products can end up in our oceans and ecosystems completely unnecessarily.

Instead, opt for planet-friendly cleaning solutions, like Delphis Multipurpose Cleaner. Or go one step further and make your own natural cleaning solution: mix lemon juice with bicarbonate of soda to scrub off stains or use white vinegar to get rid of water marks and leave kitchens and bathrooms sparkling.

2. Part with plastic and opt for biodegradable products

Did you know that over 600 million non-recyclable plastic sponges are thrown in UK landfills every year, that black bin liners are non-recyclable, or that most washing up cloths are made using acrylic or polyester fibres that are often derived from plastic or oil?

Natural alternatives to plastic household essentials, like Seep’s loofah sponge and biodegradable bin liners, are fantastic, high quality, simple swaps you can make to cut environmentally damaging products out of your cleaning cupboard – it’s just a bonus that they look so good on the countertop!

3. Where you have to use plastic – make sure you reuse it

Don’t just chuck away your existing cleaning products; if you do have to use plastic spray bottles or tubs, make sure you reuse them! Spray bottles can easily be refilled with simple, homemade cleaning solutions or used to water plants (which incidentally are a great natural way to purify the air in your home).

4. Compost your cleaning products

Many plastic free household essentials are biodegradable too, which means when they’ve reached the end of their life (Seep sponges last around a month) they can be cut up and put in your compost. Perfect for a truly waste free spring clean!

5. Choose products that are climate positive and carbon negative.

If you want to minimise the impact of your spring clean, then opting for cleaning products that are carbon neutral or carbon negative is a great way to do this. Seep has partnered with not-for-profit organisation ‘On a Mission’ to ensure all its products are 3.5x climate positive, so whilst you’re spring cleaning, you’re also cleaning up the planet!

Make unsustainable habits a thing of the past and make 2023 the year you switch to sustainable cleaning methods – with Seep’s helpful tips it’s never been easier! Their bundle packs of sustainable household essentials are ideal for anyone looking to kick old habits and start the new year a fresh.

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