Swap spring for summer: your essential guide to the perfect summer clean

We’ve all been in a situation where guests drop in for an impromptu visit while the house is very far from presentable. With longer days, gorgeous weather (for the most part), and evening barbecues calling, it’s no wonder that most of us don’t want to spend our summertime cleaning our houses. And after putting so much time and effort into a full spring clean, it can feel like even more of a chore than normal to spend hours cleaning our homes from top to bottom.

So how can you stay on top of housework without it impacting on your summer plans? Chris Wootton, cleaning expert and Managing Director of Poppies, discusses his eight top tips to make your summer clean quick, effective and easy to maintain.

‘Spring cleaning’ is the phrase we hear the most often; the annual deep clean, getting into every nook and cranny to ensure every inch of the house is sparkling. The ‘summer clean’ is the lesser-known but equally important next step in keeping your house feeling its very best, and it’s all about maintenance rather than yet another big clean. The more you maintain during the summer months, the less tedious the next seasonal deep clean will be. Trust us.

Here are our eight top tips to make that summer clean easy-breezy.

1. Target the common areas first

Targeting the most commonly used areas ensures your house is always social-ready. Living room, kitchen, anywhere you tend to host is always a good place to start.

2. Clean out your bins

Warm weather can really bring out those unpleasant odours, so it’s important to make sure the inside of your bin is clean and fresh to avoid filling your home with nasty smells.

3. Empty and deep clean the fridge/freezer

Similarly, smells from the fridge can very quickly infiltrate every part of your house. Make some time to clear out anything past its best, and make room for some lovely fresh food, or some frozen goodies in the freezer.

4. Sweep and clean kitchen counters daily

This one is especially important with young children around. You don’t want to give all those summertime critters an open invitation into your kitchen – clean countertops are a good way to prevent unwanted guests.

5. Keep on top of the bathrooms

A clean bathroom is usually the sign of a clean house. Cleaning the bathrooms regularly – even if that’s just scrubbing the toilets and wiping the surfaces – means guests will always be greeted with a fresh, hygienic, sparkling environment. They’ll more than likely assume this extends to the parts of your home that they didn’t get to see too.

6. Clean your barbecue

We know how frustrating it is to plan, shop for and prepare a barbecue, only to find that after the last time you used it you said, ‘I’ll clean it before then next one.’ Making time to clean the barbecue when it isn’t needed sounds tedious, but future-you will be very grateful for it come the next time you find yourself hosting.

7. Dust regularly

Sunny weather doesn’t do any favours for dusty windows, windowsills or worktops. As soon as the sun hits, every speck becomes much more visible and will drive you mad once you notice. Dusting regularly helps to ensure your surfaces are shiny and dust-free, so you can enjoy your home without wishing you’d dusted earlier.

8. Don’t forget the floors, especially if you’re having guests

Vacuuming isn’t everyone’s favourite job, but there’s no denying that a clean carpet can really make the difference in how your home feels, as can sweeping and mopping hardwood, tiled or linoleum flooring. Don’t neglect those floors, and your guests won’t mind taking off their shoes in your home!

It’s never easy to find the time to keep on top of cleaning, so it’s often the first thing to fall off at busier times of the year. Rather than over-complicate it or put off the clean until it becomes much bigger than it needs to be, if you break it down into regular, manageable chunks, it will never feel quite so daunting again. With maintenance and proper organisation, the summer clean will become your new secret weapon.

Alternatively, you can consult a trained professional to help you to keep your home clean. If you would like to find out more about services in your area, please visit the Poppies website.

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