Tech company CEO: “Why we welcome dogs in the office – especially during a heatwave”

Why we welcome dogs in the office – especially during a heatwave
A Brighton-based business has described why they invite employees to bring dogs into the office, and why they sent a reminder during the recent heatwaves that dogs are officially welcome in the office.
Carlene Jackson, CEO of digital transformation company Cloud9 Insight, said: “It was reported by PETA that 43 dogs have died of heat-related causes in 2022.
“I was worried about my dogs being left at home during the heatwave, and so made it a policy that people could bring in their pets if they wanted to.
“A lot of our employees wanted to come to the office because we have pretty good air con. But it occurred to me that WFH employees’ pets might be struggling in the heatwave, too.
“I took the lead and brought my dogs into the office. I have two fluffy Samoyeds and I encouraged employees to bring their dogs in as well.
“Staying hydrated and keeping cool are often two key tips employers give their employees during the heatwave. But it struck me that, like myself, employees with dogs might be struggling to keep their pets cool this summer.
“We are fortunate to have great air conditioning and a park nearby, so it makes a welcome home for our fluffy friends.
“It’s not uncommon to see a Labrador, Jack Russell and a Samoyed in the Cloud9 office.”