Tesco’s Dave Lewis calls for ‘heavy-duty transformational change’ to feed the nation

Tesco CEO Dave Lewis set out the complex and evolving challenges facing the UK food industry and called for the whole supply chain to work in partnership to grasp the opportunity to step-change the way we produce sustainable, affordable, healthy food for the UK.
Delivering a keynote speech at the annual City Food Lecture, a prestigious event attended by farmers, producers, retailers, wholesalers and their representative bodies, Lewis challenged everyone involved in the production and supply of food to come together to bring about ‘heavy duty, transformational change’. He urged the audience to do this by focusing the debate on ‘the 95% of what we agree on, not the 5% we don’t’.
Dave Lewis highlighted a number of key areas where Tesco is already working in partnership with suppliers, Government and other organisations to collaborate more effectively, share insight and expertise and, in doing so, respond to the challenges facing the industry:
Farming and agriculture, including Tesco’s ten Sustainable Farming Groups in areas including dairy, pork, lamb, and poultry and eggs.
Health, including Tesco’s ground-breaking five year partnership with Cancer Research UK, British Heart Foundation and Diabetes UK.