The average Brit claims they do 132 “good deeds” every year, according to a new study

The average Brit claims they do 132 “good deeds” every year, according to a new study.
A nationwide survey has revealed that, from holding doors open for people and taking in parcels in for neighbours – we reckon we undertake on average of 11 acts of kindness each week.
In fact, almost four in five of those who took part in the study (79 percent) believe that Britain is just as community minded as it has ever been.
However, as well as old fashioned community spirit – the survey also revealed a list of good deeds which modern Britons deem important – including liking social media posts for friends who feel down (43 percent), sticking up for people who are being trolled (31 percent) and ticking the Gift Aid box when making an online purchase. (40 percent)
Also on the list of modern day good deeds were promoting small businesses by leaving positive online reviews (36 percent), and endorsing people on LinkedIn (20 percent).
But according to the poll, some old fashioned good deeds are also falling but the wayside, including writing and sending birthday cards (more than one in ten say they have no time for that), helping neighbours with their shopping (23 percent) and cooking meals for those in need (33 percent)
The top good deeds we are most likely to perform regularly include holding doors open (72 percent), taking in deliveries for neighbours (62 percent) and donating clothes to charity (59 percent).