The Climate Party’s bold move: Ed Gemmell and Luke Wellock to contest in key by-elections

Climate party’s bold move: Ed Gemmell and Luke Wellock to contest in key by-elections

The Climate Party is gearing up for a significant impact in the upcoming by-elections on Thursday, 20 July, with a crucial crowdfunding campaign at the heart of their strategy. The party is fielding two dynamic candidates in pivotal constituencies: party leader Ed Gemmell in Uxbridge & Ruislip, the former constituency of Boris Johnson, and sustainability consultant Luke Wellock in Selby & Ainsty, Yorkshire.

Ed Gemmell, a seasoned professional, is ready to bring his passion for the environment to Uxbridge & Ruislip. “Climate change is the defining issue of our time,” Gemmell states. “The Climate Party is here to ensure that the environment cannot be ignored by the major political parties.”

In Selby & Ainsty, Luke Wellock, a sustainability consultant and proud father, is standing for the Climate Party. “The Climate Party’s bold policies to bring forward decarbonisation to 2030 caught my attention,” Wellock says. “This isn’t just about saving the planet; it’s about unlocking business innovation and prosperity for the people of Britain.”

The Climate Party is a UK political party with an eco-conscious heart. We’re all about tackling climate change and promoting sustainable practices. We’re here to make sure the big political parties can’t ignore the environment. We believe in a Britain that leads the world in sustainability.

Central to the Climate Party’s strategy is a crowdfunding campaign aimed at supporting its efforts in both by-elections. “This crowdfunder isn’t just about raising money,” Gemmell explained. “It’s about giving people all over the country a chance to be part of this commercial opportunity for our country. Every donation, big or small, brings us one step closer to making a real difference. Your support is vital for the success of this campaign.”

Join us in this critical mission. Support our crowdfunding campaign and help us bring climate action to the forefront of British politics. Together, we can make a difference.

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