The Environment Agency has started work on a new £65,000 flood bank in a Northumberland town

Work will start on Monday (11 June) on a £65,000 flood embankment which will protect homes in Hexham from flooding.
Storm Desmond saw flooding to 15 properties at Tyne Green, Hexham, on 5 December 2015.
Properties flooded as a result of water from the River Tyne flowing through an underpass beneath the Newcastle-Carlisle railway line near to Tyne Green Golf Course.
The Environment Agency prioritises delivery of new and improved flood defences using government funding over a rolling six year programme, to schemes which provide the greatest benefits to protect properties from flooding.
Due to the small number of properties that would benefit, against the cost of delivering a flood scheme at Tyne Green, the Environment Agency had been unable to deliver new flood defences in the area.
Funded by residents
The work is being uniquely funded by residents who have pooled individual grants made available to them following flooding over the winter period of 2015/16.
The Environment Agency and Northumberland County Council worked closely with Tyne Green residents, Northumbrian Water and Network Rail to provide a creative solution.
The work will take around three weeks to complete and will be marked by a celebration event with the local community later in the summer.
The flood embankment, to be built by Breheny Civil Engineering, has been designed to protect against a flood event similar to that experienced by Tyne Green residents during Storm Desmond.