The Laypersons Guide to Neighbourhood Planning: Definitive Manual Helps Local Residents Have Their Say About Their Community

With Neighbourhood Plans in existence since the passions of the 2011 Localism Act, Alan Dewinter’s The Laypersons Guide to Neighbourhood Planning, details in easy to follow steps, the processes that every parish or town council, or neighbourhood planning group, needs to undertake to ensure that the opinions and voices of the local community are heard and acted upon by the local authority.
This niche, but very informative and well-structured guide shares all that the author gleamed whilst navigating the complex process himself. With neighbourhood planning applicable in England and Wales, there will be communities across the country grateful to the author for sharing his insights and providing a helping hand in the development of a community blueprint that stands every chance of being adopted.
Alan Dewinter has been involved with Neighbourhood Planning for over three years. He was the Chairman of a Steering Group and was appointed by Locality to be a Neighbourhood Champion.He quickly realised, that there was a need for a concise, clear guide to this potentially confusing process. This small book is the definitive mentor for the non-professional planner.
He has succeeded in simplifying a complex subject so that any Village, Town or Borough can adopt the approach outlined in this book to deal with one of the most important challenges facing your community: how to manage and influence future development and possible threats from landowners, farmers, land agents, builders and developers.
Independently published, The Laypersons Guide to Neighbourhood Planning, is available in paperback (ISBN No: 978-1727124163 and £10.99) is available on Amazon at