The Property and Interiors Club – Operation Westminster – The Story the British Police tried to STOP

As The Haurun Club prepares to launch a new Membership season SS23, we are looking to launch our new platform and nonfiction Trilogy – Operation Westminster – which sets out the background story to The Property and Interiors Club.
Haurun was initiated in the Berkeley Suite at 35 Berkeley Square Mayfair London W1J 3BF before it’s formation as The Haurun Club then transition to Haurun Media on 20 March 2023. Haurun is now a fully functional online community dubbed, ‘the Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram for the Elite’ and primarily relates to nine Reciprocal Clubs within a Trusted & Vetted Community of Clubs, at 27 Old Gloucester Street London WC1N 3AX.
The Haurun Club (Haurun) is an online private members club for influential individuals and luxury brands across nine reciprocal club genres. Members can receive Membership to one, three or all nine reciprocal clubs.
The Haurun Club is currently owned and managed by Haurun Media Ltd via our online platform and is solely owned by John Smith, who has an active interest in developing communities. The background to The Haurun Club is said to something thought to be of fiction as the development of introducing individuals and luxury brands.
The Haurun Club was created by Darren Thomas Bolger, after his previously successful creation, The Home Club which had led him into early retirement concentrating on his Family, Tennis, Art and as Author to nonfiction trilogy, taken from his memoirs across 25 years and named, Operation Westminster.
Darren began his career as a building site labourer, then tradesman carpenter; to founding the first criminal appeals charity in the UK – Justice on Appeal. Darren was decorated with a Badge of Honour for services to the community at the same time as forming the first online private member’s club in the City of London, named The Home Club.
Darren’s life took a dramatic turn for the worse along with his family on 11 March 1998 as trust and justice became a real focus. Whilst addressing business, family and injustice, Darren formed the idea of an online private members club after having lunch to discuss a multi-million-pound contract dispute, at the home of Dan Brown, located at his own privately owned 18-hole golf course in England. Dan encouraged Darren to form a community and introduce individuals within sensitive social groups. These Individuals included Tax Officials, Murderers, Cartel Bosses, Football Hooligans, Armed Robbers – High Net Worth Individuals, Royal Families, Senior Government Officials & Security Services, Mayors, The Knights Templar, and Senior Freemasons, although Darren is not a Freemason.
Darren then discovered through his journey, that even the most trusted faculty or organisation, even government, has an absence of trust. Darren used a combination of often, extreme experiences and trusted networks to reconstruct and install trust, honour and chivalry into a vetted, online, private members club community, from a number of outdated clubs and secret societies, that are sometimes lacking in the foundations of honour and respect.
Darren formed his community on varying ideals and attributed a generalised system akin to the ancient format of historical Liveries and Private Members clubs of the City of London and Mayfair into his online club. The Haurun Club is a far more advanced version of The Home Club. Retaining all the trust elements and the consistency and security of a vetted community.
Haurun Media has extended its private members club community to Four Pillars:
Reciprocal Clubs – Brand, which are nine genre specific and independently operated, online private members clubs whereby luxury brands inform our members of the latest must have luxury goods and services
Agent Broker – Brand, which are nine regionally named and operated property focused companies for homeowners, furniture brands and property professionals interact and complete major refurbishments of homes between £1m and £15m
Executive Assistant Club – Brand, which is a private members club for Executive Assistants who require access to our Affiliate Members Brands
The Adoreus Club – Brand, which is a private members club and online training college for future Brand Ambassadors, Influencers and Entrepreneurs
Each of The Haurun Club’s community of private members clubs naturally compliment each other. With new opportunities and training to individuals with an interest in engaging with luxury brands, whilst supporting, educating, training & developing ideas for future entrepreneurs & donating to Charities and Community Projects.
27 Old Gloucester Street
The Property and Interiors Club is a Private Members Club where luxury brands; named Affiliate Members, send our Senior Ambassador insights & introductions to their finest goods and services, which are privately forwarded onto our Members mobile devices for consideration, enquiry, engagement and purchase.
After a period of seven days of direct promotion to Members of The Property and Interiors Club has elapsed, we then forward our Affiliate Members Assets onto our Instagram. We also promote our Affiliate Members, upon instruction of The Adoreus Club Influencers: online and or hosted by our Brand Ambassadors at our Boutique Events located at either our Affiliate Members showroom, atelier, store or at alternative luxurious venues, attended by either, Members, Brand Ambassadors & Influencers.