The Queen doesn’t need this aggro – Royal Expert blasts Harry and Meghan.

HARRY and Meghan have been criticised for creating “animosity” which the Queen “shouldn’t have to face”.
Royal expert, Dickie Arbiter, told GB News: “I think she [The Queen] would be concerned. It’s an unfortunate scenario we’re living in since they walked out two years ago, and they walked out because they wanted privacy. They wanted away from the media.
“And since then, they’ve done nothing but feed the media with all sorts of stories and you wonder where they’re coming from. I suppose it’s protecting brand or developing Brand Sussex, but it really is developing Brand Sussex at the expense of the other Royals.
“The Queen at 96 shouldn’t be having to face this sort of animosity from two people across the Atlantic who really are only concerned about themselves and nothing else.”
Mr Arbiter, a former Buckingham Palace spokesman who has published books on life inside the Royal Family, told Weekend Breakfast: “Usually in marriages, one is stronger than the other and no prizes for guessing who is stronger and who is leading this onslaught. Sometimes it’s Harry saying things, probably prompted by Mrs Sussex, but most of the time it’s Meghan.
“She gave that interview to the magazine; she’s done two podcasts…what’s coming up next? We really don’t know. We just have to wait and see.”
Discussing whether the Royal Family should shield the Queen from news and interviews from Harry and Meghan, Mr Arbiter added: “She [The Queen] wants to know what’s going on, but you would hope the rest of the family would play ball with the Queen.
“Memories are very short, when Harry and Meghan walked out, they pledged that everything they do will be up to the Queen’s values. Well so far, they’ve done nothing up to the Queen’s values. They’ve done everything to besmirch them, besmirch the monarchy and besmirch the family. They’ve besmirched the institution, and the institution is the Queen.
“Where do we go from here? There is no stopping them. They’ve got so-called advisors in the States, and people who are making money out of them, their security, their advisors, their PR people, and their lawyers. Quite frankly, how much longer is this going to go on? How much longer can the Queen take any of this?”
With rumours of a potential feud between Prince William and Harry, Arbiter said Prince William may be “running out of patience” for his younger brother. He commented: “I think it’s a matter of running out of patience, and he will be very sorry that it has come to this. He’s [Prince William] sorry for his father, his father is really being hammered left, right and centre.
“You’ve got this black cloud hanging over the family. It’s so unnecessary and there’s no prizes for guessing who is instrumental in all of this.
Arbiter concluded: “She’s [The Queen] 96, she wouldn’t need this sort of aggro at 66 or 46 or 26. You just do not need this sort of aggro when two people push off, say they’re going to uphold the values of the sovereign and do the exact opposite.
“They’re continuing to do it, and there doesn’t seem to be any end in sight. “
Harry and Meghan are currently in the UK, before beginning a charity tour across Europe.