The Secret-Striking-Postie Returns!

This is the ‘Secret-Striking-Postie’ embarking on a second sequel. During the late scorching hot summer, hovering on the picket line, none of us would have envisaged that this war would have dragged on this far. We are in 2023 and one new year’s resolution I am abiding by is playing my role in us, the posties, sinking the Royal Mail management and being awarded that pay rise we all richly deserve.
Royal Mail’s CEO Simon Thompson will not jeopardise our already constructed terms and conditions. He shall not tread over and treat us like peasants, igniting new rules that we would be summoned on performing. These would be catastrophic procedures that would implement many of us altering our everyday way of lives.
On every occasion I have seen Thompson being interviewed by the media he indicates that the reason why the organisation we all work for is climatising in the direction of new pastures is because this is what our customers are crying out for. In addition, the argument is it is not the customer on the street, those that we deliver to their home address. These are business acquaintances like Boots and Zara to name but two. Currys have already departed the scene and are working in collaboration with another source to send their goods that they produce.
Furthermore, I think Royal Mail will discover that those household owners are the customers we, as posties, have a strong bond and connection with. These are the ones that will rally around and support us to the very end.
One strong fighter in the conflict is Dave Ward. He is the General Secretary of the Communication Workers Union (CWU) and has endeavoured to invite Thompson on the airwaves to orchestrate a heated debate connected to the ongoing struggles that spiral neverendingly. Royal Mail’s CEO has declined the offer countlessly as if he has something to hide and afraid of the situation. In my view this saddens me acknowledging that we, as posties, are the backbone to this organisation and without us Royal Mail would not have raked in record breaking profits within the previous year.
Let us hope that we blew a gigantic impact when thousands of posties descended upon Parliament Square and the surrounding vicinity recently. In true football fashion we divulged to the powers that rule this green and wonderful country our heartfelt responses to this fight. ‘We want Thompson out I say we want Thompson out,’ was echoed repetitively. Hopefully this important event has made a massive difference.
Remember that Royal Mail threw in a hammering blow when they deprived us of a two-day strike a little while ago. They brought in their legal advisers and prevented us posties from causing damage and drawing blood. I am unaware of the full story, but the CWU stumbled down the wrong path and broke rules albeit minor ones in relation to the bigger picture.
In contrast we are illustrating that we are in combat for what is right and our determination to gain glory is evident. When we embrace our picket lines, sometimes in atrocious weather conditions like torrential rain and snow, this indicates that we are united and shall not buckle in this very serious topic.
We have already dented Royal Mail’s financial economy as the company losses millions every time we depart and walk out. This is a flashback to the 1980s when professions like the minors and teachers fought for what they believed was rightfully theirs.
Royal Mail are threatening redundancies but Dave Ward states that under no circumstances will jobs be affected.
I found it absolutely appalling when I heard that Thompson houses a bodyguard that follows his every move like a shadow. I would like to know how much this is costing Royal Mail as I, for one, am not planning on charging towards him and laying a finger on this CEO of ours. I am banking on bringing him down the correct and lawful way.
Positive news is however on the horizon as information has filtered through. On the grapevine there are a few shareholders that are planning on rendezvousing with Dave Ward this January. It is believed they are coming around to seeing it from the CWU’s perspective. We can only pray that some good spirals from this encounter.
If you are an outsider glancing in and am not that hot on the situation that is unfolding there is an aspect that I feel that needs to be highlighted. Every time we take days off to contend for a worthy cause, we as posties, loose pay. This strike is rinsing our pockets and many of us have families to support so it is undoubtably a struggle. The one thing that binds us together is the belief we will win this contest.
It utterly makes me perturbed when I find out what audacious acts Thompson and his sidekicks have introduced during this chapter in Royal Mail’s history. I am alarmed to hear that managers are receiving extra money to try and persuade posties to cross the picket line and return to work. In my view this is unforgiveable. When these callous acts come into light it reinvigorates me to play my part in becoming victorious for us posties. If we are to celebrate and win, we need to be positive in our quest and not argue and be weak in our pursuit.
Let us hope that the light to the end of this long tunnel is in sight and us posties will be triumphant come the end and receive the delights we all deserve.

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