The UK is officially the fat man of Western Europe

The UK is officially the fat man of Western Europe.
Government figures reveal that, on average, men from across the home nations tip the scales at 13st 3lb (84kg).
Only Americans, who weigh roughly 14st (89kg) and Australians, around the 13st 5lbs (86kg) mark, are heavier.
The figures, compiled today by Forza Supplements, add to the body of evidence that highlights the worrying obesity epidemic in the UK.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development figures already show the UK has the second worst obesity rates in Europe – behind just Hungary.
The new report, using official data from the health boards of 10 countries, confirms the problem – and found men in the UK to be heavier than those in the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Italy, France and Spain. Spanish men weigh the least at 11st 11lbs (74.8kg).
The figures also delved into the life expectancy of men across the countries and how tall they are, on average.