The UK’s First Ever Pro-Period CBD Cocktails Designed To Soothe Period Pain

CBD brand Our Remedy have collaborated with The Skinny Kitchen in Islington to create the UK’s first-ever pro-period CBD infused cocktail offerings. And they can be shaken (not stirred) in the comfort of your own home!

Abdominal cramps, mood swings, migraines, anxiety, back pain, sleep disruption, bloating and food cravings – Mother Nature really can be a bit of a bitch! In fact, 80% of people who menstruate will experience painful periods within their lifetime*, with 5-10% saying they have been severe enough to disrupt their daily activities and social life.

Mother Nature’s Night Out & Go With The Flo’ are two CBD infused concoctions you can make at home, which may help to soothe cramps and alleviate symptoms of PMS.

CBD (the totally legal natural extract from the cannabis plant) has been found to have relaxant and analgesic effects which can help relax muscles and soothe cramps, in addition to potentially balancing hormones.

Rachel Mason, founder of Our Remedy said: “Our Remedy was formulated with the debilitating symptoms of period pain in mind. However the results are unique to each person and many of our customers also use it to help with anxiety, sleep issues and even chronic pain.”

Skinny Kitchen founder Lois said: “We are looking to add CBD cocktails to our menu in the not-too-distant future so were really excited to create these two cocktails in collaboration with Our Remedy for people to try at home! Period symptoms can leave you feeling like all you want to do is curl up on the sofa, so we’re hoping these cocktails help you out! You could even host a cocktail making session in the garden with the girls!”

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