The worst place in the UK for vehicle crime

For many of us, our car is our pride and joy. From sunset drives to singalongs with loved ones, and even those late night drive-thru treats. Our cars get us from A to B, and anything in between.
Some people love their cars so much, they have their own names. Upgrades are popular too, helping their cars to stand out more on the road, spending big money to make their vehicle an extension of their personality.
But as much as we treasure our cars, we can’t always guarantee their safety all of the time.
Unfortunately, people target vehicles for theft, vandalism and other crimes. Whether that’s people stealing from the glovebox, damage to the expensive exterior, or even theft of the whole vehicle itself!
And the experience is incredibly stressful, but car insurance can make the experience smoother.
However having your car taken from you or damaged beyond repair can be an expensive ordeal, and often leaves people feeling stranded. Valuables being taken from your vehicle can be difficult to replace and no one wants to see their pride and joy being ruined by another person.
But for car lovers across the UK, where is the safest place you can park up your wheels, and where you might want to add to your security precautions?
We wanted to find out, so we dug deep into the data. Analysing statistics from the Office of National Statistics, we found the UK cities that experience the most vehicle related crimes.
Ranging from theft from the vehicle, damage to the property, and items being taken from the car, the top ten locations with the highest and lowest amount of crime can now be revealed.
The data showed us that in 2020 there were 359,407 vehicle offences in England, and in Wales, there were 11,871. Our analysis also revealed that these statistics are unfortunately up by 21% in comparison to 2019’s figures.
However, it’s not just the overall figures we’re interested in.
Looking deeper into the data, we can reveal the locations in the UK that have experienced the largest amount of vehicle crime in 2020.