New research reveals discontent over the divide of household bills as just over three-fifths of couples (62%) don’t share costs out evenly.1

The latest data from
reveals British sentiments and behaviours towards splitting household bills, highlighting that only 40% of people in a relationship advocate for
an even split of household costs with their partner.

On the other end of the spectrum, almost a quarter (22%) of partners would prefer a more measured approach, believing that bills should be paid proportionally
based on income.

Additionally, almost one in five (18%) split their bills proportionally based on income, with a further 14% having their partner foot the entire bill for all household

Chief income earners are less likely to prefer a proportional split of bills when breaking down attitudes towards household finances by income type. Only 18% of
higher earners say they would prefer to split household bills according to income, compared to 27% of lower earners.

With 38% of couples currently operating on a 50/50 split, data shows discontent over the financial structure in households – 22% wish that their respective incomes
were taken into consideration when apportioning monthly bills.

Further data shows certain insurance essentials are lower on the agenda for many British couples. Insurance appears to be an afterthought with regards to bill
splitting as less than a quarter (23%) of couples deem life insurance a cost worth dividing between them. In addition, almost one third (31%) of people admit to prioritising other spending, such as Netflix or a gym subscription, over life insurance.

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