Three positive lifestyle and diet changes to reduce your risk of cancer

Recent figures from Cancer Research UK [1] suggest that more than 135,500 cases of cancer a year in the UK could be prevented through lifestyle changes.
Buckinghamshire based integrated healthcare centre, The Bagnall Centre support this research and are offering advice on three positive lifestyle changes which everyone can make to help reduce cancer risk.
Cancer is a cellular malfunction which takes place within the body. To reduce risk of this malfunction, either the conditions which cultivate this cellular malfunction must be changed, or the immune system must be strengthened sufficiently so that it is able to deal with mutated cells before they are able to become a problem.
Further research from The World Health Organisation [2] suggests that around one third of deaths from cancer are due to the five leading behavioural and dietary risks: high body mass index, low fruit and vegetable intake, lack of physical activity, tobacco use, and alcohol use.
By making changes in these areas to reduce the risks, people can effectively strengthen their immune systems and help their bodies to fight off cancer.
- Nutrition
You are what you eat and it is vital to be mindful of what ingredients are being put into the body on a daily basis. Proper nutrition supports the healthy development of cells, decreasing the likelihood of malfunction and mutations, strengthening the body against diseases such as cancer.
Foods such as processed red meat and salt-preserved foods can increase the risk of developing cancer, whilst fruits, vegetables and foods high in fibre can greatly help to reduce the risk.
- Exercise
Practices such as Qigong, Tai Chi, Yoga and other exercise classes, offer benefits for both your physical and mental health. Our hormones are designed for use in fight-or-flight situations, so physical exertion can allow you to utilise adrenaline and cortisol in a healthy way, which has been demonstrated to help release and reduce elevated stress levels.
Exercise is an incredibly powerful tool for improving your body’s general function, and will help to maintain healthy cellular function, as well as increase your immunity.
- Mental health
Prolonged and elevated levels of stress, anxiety or depression can all dramatically decrease the function and effectiveness of your immune system. Mindfulness classes such as yoga and meditation have been shown to be hugely beneficial to cancer patients, both during and after recovery treatment.
Cancer patients who have an optimistic view of their chances have been shown to have better outcomes, and even alleviating feelings of isolation or receiving emotional support from family and friends can impact tumour growth rate.