THREE-QUARTERS of young Brits can’t go to the loo without their phones

THREE-QUARTERS of young Brits can’t go to the loo without taking their phones with them, a study has found.
A massive 73% of people aged 25-30 confess they can’t do without their mobile in the bathroom, with men being the worst culprits.
Half (48%) of British people spend more time on their phones than they do playing sports or exercising in a typical week, and 42% say they spend more times on their phones than they do having sex.
A fifth of relationships are marred by bickering over smart phone use, and a quarter of men have delayed sex in order to use their phones, according to research by specialist mobile phone and tablet insurance company loveit coverit.
23% of respondents are on their phones more than reading books and 16% of those in relationships say that their phone usage exceeds the amount of time they spend talking to their partner!