Top 10 Mental health blogs that you should read

One of the remarkable things that internet has done is that it allowed us to openly talk about mental health. As a result of this, there are now many blogs that actively engage their readers to have a better understanding of mental health.
Here are the top 10 mental health blogs that we think are making significant contributions:
1. Psychology Today – Owned and managed by the American Psychological Association from 1983–1987, the publication is currently endorsed by the National Board for Certified Counselors, which promotes subscriptions and offers professional credit for a small fee and assigned assessment for each article read.
2. Psychreg – Founded by the world’s first blog psychologist, Dennis Relojo-Howell. Aside from mental health articles, Psychreg also runs its own podcast and an open access journal. Psychreg has been recognised as Highly Commended by the UK Blog Awards in 2017 and 2018. It was also nominated twice at the UK National Diversity Awards.
3. American Psychological Association – APA is the leading scientific and professional organisation representing psychology in the US, with more than 118,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students as its members. Through its blog, they promote the advancement, communication, and application of psychological science and knowledge to benefit society and improve lives.
4. The Psychologist – It is run by the British Psychological Society. The Psychologist provides a forum for communication, discussion and controversy among all members of the Society and helps it promote the advancement and diffusion of a knowledge of psychology, pure and applied.
5. The Mighty – They are a digital health community created to empower and connect people facing health challenges and disabilities. Stories and videos are viewed and shared more than 90 million times a month. They have over 2 million registered users and are adding a new one every 20 seconds.
7. Mind – As they say, blogs can show that people with mental health problems are cared about, understood and listened to. Since the Mind blog launched in 2009, it has been a great platform to show that mental health is an important issue and to share stories of everyday people experiencing mental health problems.
6. PsyBlog – Created by British psychologist Dr Jeremy Dean. PsyBlog is all about scientific research into how the mind works. Dr Dean tries to dig up fascinating studies that tell us something about what it means to be human. The studies covered have been published in reputable academic journals in many different areas of psychology.
7. Mind Hacks – It is a psychology and neuroscience blog that publishes daily news and commentary on mind and brain issues. It won a Scientific American Science and Technology Web Award in 2005 and was listed as a Top 30 science blog by The Times of London in 2010.
8. Psych Central – Psych Central is an independent mental health social network. It is is overseen by mental health professionals who create and oversee all the content published on the site. The site was created in 1995 and as named as one of the Internet’s 50 Best Websites in 2008 by Time.
9. Mental Health Foundation Blog – It is the official blog of The Mental Health Foundation, a UK charity that aims to improve everyone’s mental health. Regular articles come from a number of different contributors, from people across the charity or others who work in mental health and are passionate about helping people practise self-care and mindfulness.
10. The Mental Elf – Founded by André Tomlin back in 2011, the blog was originally created to share André’s experience and knowledge from years of working in mental health, and before long he had a group of colleagues contributing to the blog.
In compiling this list we have taken into consideration the blog’s social media presence, its topic-related content, and post frequency. All of these mental health blogs have global readership.