Top Tips For Sleeping When Pregnant

by Matthew Martino
During pregnancy, many mothers-to-be struggle to have a good night’s sleep, often disturbed by discomfort and/ or stress. But there’s no need to organise a search and rescue team to find your missing resting ability – there’s a lot you can do to prevent a bad night.
Unity Beauty Essentials’ products are designed with pregnant mothers in mind,aiming to satisfy their needs and desires as they journey through pregnancy.
Comprising three products, they’re all designed to remind would-be mothers that it’s ok to feel nurtured, indulged, and confident with her new curves.
Today, they’re bringing us five tips for sleeping better when pregnant:
1. Drink up (but not before bed!) – drinking plenty of liquids, particularly water,has great benefits for you, but it can also harm your night-time rest.
Cutting down during the darker hours will minimise any need to get up and use the loo overnight. Cut down on caffeine too, especially during the evenings. Studies show that caffeine can affect your sleep for up to 6 hours after you’ve consumed it, making it much harder to even
fall asleep.
2. Keep on moving – exercising is not impossible while pregnant! There are plenty of routines you can do that are gentle, safe, and most of all, fun. Exercising in the morning will dial-up your blood circulation, reducing the chances of painful night-time cramps. Like caffeine, avoid doing this in the evening though, as the adrenaline released will undoubtedly will keep you awake.
3. Reduce stress and anxiety – it’s a roundabout problem, as when we’re anxious, we can’t sleep, and when we can’t sleep we become anxious! Tackling these nasty culprits is easier than you may suspect, though. Incorporate a relaxation regime starting an hour or two before sleep.
Take a bath, pamper yourself with a calming beauty product such as our own Intensive Body Nourisher, read a book, and try lighting incense.
Talking helps, too, so sipping on tea and chatting with a friend about your stresses can do wonders.
4. Get into the position that works best for you – shuffling around all night long as you search for that perfect position is not a way of life. Avoid lying flat on your back and find positions that cooperate with your body. For example, after 20 weeks, sleeping on your left side allows prime blood flow to the foetus, and your uterus and kidneys.
5. Splurge on pregnancy pillows – finding the best equipment to help support your body is key. Many specialised pregnancy pillows – from regular to body-sized – are as cushiony as marshmallows, comforting your body in all the right ways. Try sleeping on your side with one pillow under your knee and another under your body – it’ll feel like
you’re sleeping on a cloud.